Friday, 24 October 2014
United Nations Day 24th October
Celebrate United Nations Day
There are some great UN research guides available on many topics including the Ebola Virus outbreak
to help you with your research.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Award winning government website reaches major milestone of 1 billion site visits
Launched 2 years ago, GOV.UK brings together government services and information online. As the first ever single domain for government, it replaced DirectGov, Business Link and over 250 separate department and agency websites.
The top 3 most visited pages are find a job, renew your vehicle tax, and calculate your state pension.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Scottish Independence Referendum: analysis of results
We have receive a couple of interesting House of Commons Library research papers into the National Library this week.
An analysis of the results from the Scottish Independence, Referendum. HC Research paper 14/50 and Unemployment by constituency HC Research paper 14/49