Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Bread, shelter and roses

When working on an enquiry about the Government of Scotland Bill 1924, I came across an entry to the Scottish Stone of Destiny Bill.
I checked Hansard for more information. Mr Kirkwood started the debate by mentioning the history of the stone, that Jacob had it for a pillow at Bethel, when he was fleeing from his brother Esau. It then went into the possession of the Kings of Egypt and over to Ireland before it finally arrived in Scotland.
Lord Apsley from Dunstaffneys mentions that it could be dangerous to follow that theory too close as in should the stone not be sent back to where it originally came from which would be Bethel and the Jews. He also states “I have had to sleep many uncomfortable nights on the Hill of Bethel.”
Mr Kirkwood also points out “My friends and I are accused of being materialists …the charge is false. When we seek bread and shelter for our people we also demand roses.”
I am fascinated about what roses he would demand.
I find that Hansard can be a very interesting and entertaining read. The further you go back in history, the eloquence, articulation and expressive way in which the MPs spoke can be found to be amusing nowadays.
To find out more information about the Scottish Stone of Destiny Bill, and you are a registered reader of the National Library of Scotland, try using the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers resource.

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