Friday, 27 March 2015

What the Washerwoman saw!

This is from the minutes of evidence taken upon the second reading of the bill intituled

“An Act for dissolving the Marriage of John Worrall, Esquire, with Sophia Mariner his now wife, and for enabling him to marry again; and for other purposes therein mentioned”
“Then Sarah Jackson was called in and having being sworn, was examined as follows:

(By Counsel) Are you the wife of Mr Abraham Jackson of Leeds?
Have you known Mr and Mrs Worrall?
Did you ever live in the Family, or were you employed as their Washerwoman?
I was employed as their Washerwoman.
Do you remember Mr Sanderson coming to the house?
Yes, very well”…

It continues…
"Did he visit while Mr Worrell was away?
Do you remember Mrs Worrell going away?
About what?
About her being in the family way by Mr Sanderson”
As an aside, whilst reading the minutes, I noticed that when a woman was called to give evidence she was asked if she was the wife of whomever, but when a man was called he was never asked if he was a husband of somebody.   

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